The first quarter moon

The first quarter moon is here. It is the phase half way between the new moon and the full moon. The first quarter phase is where you look for signs. It can be signs connected to your new moon intentions but it may also be signs guiding you. We often think of signs as something big and clear. And yes, they can be extremely clear and you just know that this is a sign for you. Perhaps a person, a subject or an opportunity shows up unexpectedly and out of nowhere. If you encounter one of these clear signs, feel into what it is here to teach you. This is a gut feeling thing. Just because things show up on the day of the first quarter, does not mean we have to jump right on to it. But it is here to teach you something so pay attention to what is “in the message”.

Another scenario; it is first quarter moon and you have been looking for signs all day and nothing has showed up. Start to pay attention to the song playing on the radio. Listen to the text. Look for numbers. Pay attention to you thought. Maybe an old memory that you had forgot all about shows up. Look at it. Feel into it and then look at your new moon intentions and see if there is a link.

Signs are the Universe way of communicating and they happen all the time, but pay extra attention to them on first quarter moon and see how they can guide you closer to your new moon intentions


The Full Moon


The third quarter moon